The age of coal-fired electricity in the Los Angeles area is coming to an end. Mayor Antonio Villaraigo sa announced that his city will completely replace its coal-fired energy consumption with either cleaner or renewable power by 2020. “[Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)] will deliver 40% renewable power, with the remainder coming from natural gas, nuclear, and large hydroelectric,” said Villaraigosa. While California itself has no coal-fired power plants, imported coal and natural gas-fired power represents 76% of the power delivered by LADWP, and by eliminating its coal-fired emissions LADWP will cut its overall emissions by 60% from 1990 levels by 2020. (Source: Reuters, July 2, 2009).
Contact: Economic Development Group, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, (800) 864-4409,; Jazmin Ortega, Office of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, City of Los Angeles, (213) 978-0741,