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Home Information Industry News Biofuel Nat Gas Act aims to jump start the Alt-Fuel Clean Transportation Industry
Nat Gas Act aims to jump start the Alt-Fuel Clean Transportation Industry E-mail

Senators Harry Reid (Majority Leader), Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Orrin Hatch (R-UT) have introduced the Nat Gas Act to encourage the development and purchasing of natural gas vehicles.

The act includes provisions to:

  • Extend alt-fuel credits for both natural gas vehicles and fueling stations by a decade.
  • Expand and modify the Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFV) and refueling property tax credits for natural gas vehicles.
  • Increase the purchase tax credit cap for producing and converting light-duty vehicles to NG to $12,500, and double that for heavier vehicles; the Act would also increase the refueling property tax credit to $100,000 per station.
  • Enable state and local governments to issue tax-exempt bonds to finance natural gas vehicle projects.
  • Give grants for NG engine development.
  • Enable any natural gas vehicle manufacturing facility that goes into service before January 1, 2015, to be able to expense 100% of the costs and treated as a tax deduction for the year it goes into service. (Source: Earth2Tech, July 9, 2009).

    Contact: Senator Robert Menendez, (202) 224-4744, menendez.senate.gov; Senator Orrin Hatch, (202) 224-5251, hatch.senate.gov;


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