By Karl Brooks Wednesday, June 2, 2010 3:10 PM CDT
Karl Brooks is U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7 Administrator. He supervises operations in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and nine Tribal Nations.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supports a significant expansion of renewable fuels including corn ethanol and soy biodiesel.
Corn ethanol is the most-popular renewable motor vehicle fuel in the United States; soy biodiesel is the second.
The EPA’s National Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program is designed to significantly increase the volume of renewable fuels in both highway and non-road gasoline and diesel vehicles.
The RFS will triple biofuels production from last year’s 11 billion gallons to 36 billion gallons in 2022.
The RFS also will reduce America’s dependence on oil by more than 328 million barrels a year and reduce greenhouse gas emissions more than 138 million metric tons a year when fully phased in by 2022.
The reductions would be equivalent to taking about 27 million vehicles off the road.
The RFS should decrease oil imports by $41.5 billion and boost energy security benefits by $2.6 billion.
By 2022, increased use of renewable fuels should cut gasoline costs by 2.4 cents per gallon and diesel costs by 12.1 cents/gal.
The RFS will create new markets for agricultural products, growing jobs in areas of the country hit hard by the economic downturn and increase farmers’ incomes.
The RFS program will increase net farm income by $13 billion in 2022.
THE EPA has partnered in the Biofuels Working Group with the USDA and the Department of Energy to accelerate production of American biofuels and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
The Working Group’s first report “Growing America’s Fuel — a new U.S. Government strategy for meeting or beating the country’s biofuel targets,” mixes short-term government support for the existing biofuels industry with the commercial establishment of advanced biofuels.
Together, EPA’s federal partners will build a viable long-term market by transforming how the U.S. government does business across departments and using strategic public-private partnerships.
To read the full report, go to: www.
President Obama’s administration initiated these steps to boost biofuels. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and I are committed to advancing biofuel production.
THE WHITE House and the EPA realize the potential to rebuild and revitalize rural communities.
The EPA is pleased to be a part of the president’s efforts to combat climate change and put Americans back to work — both through the new renewable fuel standards and through our co-chairmanship of the Biofuels Working Group.
Advanced biofuels is a field that is emerging rapidly — the EPA is committed to continuing its transparent, science-based approach to bring more renewable fuels to market while reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.
We appreciate the hard work of our nation’s farmers and ideas that support our goals for a clean environment and greater energy security.
More information on the RFS program is available at