A draft proposal of the California Energy Commission’s (CEC) Fuel Efficient Tire program suggests that tires should carry rolling resistance ratings to help consumers make fuel-efficient choices. The CEC proposal suggests that the top 15% of tires with the best rolling-resistance force (RRF) be designated “fuel-efficient tires,” and that manufacturers would need to test all of their consumer tires using a standard testing protocol. The commission believes the proposal will foster competition and promote advances in tire design and technology.

A Rubber Manufacturers Association spokesman suggested that the testing protocols would cost the industry more than $20 million, and argues that a self-certification system would be the best way to proceed. (Source: Edmunds Green Car Advisor, June 15, 2009).

Contact: Ray Tuvell, Project Manager, Fuel Efficient Tire Program, California Energy Commission, (916) 654-4201, [email protected], www.energy.ca.gov; Dan Zielinski, Spokesman, Rubber Manufacturers Association, (202) 682-4846, [email protected], www.rma.org.

  1. https://www.sangomahealing.com/
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  6. https://newcovenantumc.org/
  7. https://clairemarieleguay.com/
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